Trials without Tribbles

Strange New Worlds S1E10, and a season wrapup

Jude wants Pike's... cooking. We compare this episode to its source TOS episode, and the Kirk the world remembers versus the Kirk in actuality. We feint at, and then avoid, becoming an X-Men podcast, AGAIN. There's a sidetrack into Diane Duane at some point, Zathras lost track. Dreaming of Daddy Pike taking a dip in Cetacean Ops.

And then we end our friendship arguing about TNG movies. Sorry.

Thanks for joining us for this season of Strange New Worlds!

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Music attribution: Space War by IdanKupferberg from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E12 - BEAR

s2e01 The Contingency s2e02 Bad Code

Uh, thanks for the infohazard warning Justen. Also, there's a headphones moment around 13:00 to 14:20 that, if you're watching through for the first time, you might want to skip if you are a die hard spoiler avoider.

Season 2 starts out with a bang. We are deeply confused by the fact that there are A and B plots, but since this is where Leon first shows up, we are willing to let the intellectual challenge to us stand. Oh yeah, and BEST BOY BEAR.

Leon is ranked up there with Zoe, but for VERY different reasons.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

A Blue Red Shirt

Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 9: All Those Who Wander

In which the gang, loopy after too many recordings, breaks the format a bit, much to Justen's distress.

We have to discuss the big death in this episode, and whether we hate it or we just hate how the show makes us have to feel things in our cold hearts. The phrase "implanting apparatus" is uttered, to the dismay of Jude and Ana (and Zathras). A xenobiology moment too disturbing for JUDE is brought up. Spock is compared to a scruffed cat. Pike is Space Daddy, AGAIN. We want to thank all the fanzine writers and rabid Spock/Chapel shippers who worked for the past 55 years to make Chapel a principal character in this show.

The benefits and down-sides of a prequel that has some better characterization than the show that comes "next"...

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Music attribution: Space War by IdanKupferberg from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E11 - Backstories and stiletto heels

PoI S1E22: No Good Deed, S1E23: Firewall

In which Justen murders the rest of the crew with a joke, and a lot of dirty water was cut out for your convenience.

No Good Deed: Season one denouements, some tragic Finch backstory, and secrets are revealed. Jude has doubts about Nathan's regrets. Too many generic white guys figure out about the Machine for the gang to keep track.

Firewall: ROOT. The end of the Parent Trap plotline. Amy Acker is playing the role you think Amy Acker is there to play, but then the technotheist terrorist turn. Ana theorizes about uncomfortable women's shoes and their signaling value.

Stay tuned for Ana's bold predictions about future plot points!

Sponsor us, Baja Blast. We dare you.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E10 - What's in the briefcase?

Person of Interest Season 1, episodes 20 and 21: Matsya Nyaya and Many Happy Returns

Matsya Nyaya: Are there codified rules of Dibs in Podcasting? Similarly, no body no death. Ordos is a real place, disturbingly. Even though it's Pablo Schreiber, we care so very little about this week's number... especially compared to the flasback plot. It feels like treading water in the present while they get past elements stacked up for the end of the season. Is knowledge of the Machine an SCP infohazard?

Many Happy Returns: Jarold shippers denied by a key. Jessica's death is probably a fridging. John increases his badge collection. Harold's thought counts, but gosh does he not know what a former operative would want in an apartment's architecture. We go through five or six different metaphors for how Donnely is bad at his job.

Also, the introduction of a new segment Zathras hopes to never hear again, Baja Bits.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Theme Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at

Additional music comes from Muzaproduction from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Script by Benny Russell

SNW S1E08: The Elysian Kingdom

In yet more evidence that the Strange New Worlds writers LOVE Star Trek, bringing the author Benjamin Russell (played by Benjamin Sisko in Deep Space 9 season 6, episode 13, Far Beyond the Stars) warms our cold, vacuum-dried hearts.

There are so many character moments in this episode where this cast has an absolute field day, in and out of Ren Faire garb. That ending, though. Platonic ideal of bittersweet.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Music attribution: Space War by IdanKupferberg from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E9 - John does not party

Person of Interest S1E18: Identity Crisis and S1E19: Flesh and Blood

Identity Crisis: Jude starts out the show with an EXTREMELY detailed revenge fantasy, and then expresses a complete lack of interest in Identity Crisis aside from some fun bits and one crystal clear moment of characterization for Finch and Reese. Oh, and Finch apparently invented social media. Don't talk to cops without a lawyer present.

Flesh and Blood: Buckle up, Elias is making his move. It's hard to hate Enrico Colantoni, even as Elias is _clearly_ a bad guy. Justen has notes on the particular weapon that Reese gives Carter. Does Finch technobabble John just to save time?

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Be Space Gay Do Space Crimes

Strange New Worlds S1E07: The Serene Squall

This episode nearly broke us. It's almost too much that we get an episode on par with Trials and Tribbilations, featuring a nonbinary pirate captain and the first trans director of a Trek.

Oh dear lord are we fighting about Muppet Treasure Island vs. Treasure Planet again... Jude gushes about Captain Blood and Errol Flynn. We put Captain Angel firmly in the tier of Lore, Khan, and Dukat in terms of best Trek villains. Jesse James Keitel deserves all your love and fan-art. It's also pretty weird to see humans treated as cultural monoliths!

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Music attribution: Space War by IdanKupferberg from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E8 - Jarold. Jarold? Jarold!

A three-pack of episodes this time: Blue Code, Risk, and Baby Blue

Blue Code: Are you paid up with HR? Or are you running drugs for the CIA? Why aren't there shirtless police officer calendars, anyway?

Risk: Avoiding talking about the episode by discussing how to name ships is not how you win Zathras over. Canonizing the Jarold ship name... is mildly better. Jarold is Garak/Bashir with the moralities inverted?

Baby Blue: breaking with our categorization schema last episode, this number is a 6 month old baby... uh oh. Is this a recast of Two Men and a Baby but, you know, with a genius and a psychopath? Jude has a significant qualm with allowing a baby to take the place of a ballistic plate on John.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Stardate: Freaky Friday

S1E05: Spock Amok S1E06: Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

In which we coin the verb "Gorned" and the warcrimes airhorn is repurposed to be a bodyswap airhorn. Are anxiety dreams part of the human genome?


Also, what would happen if Jude and Justen freaky fridayed?

We also talk about the other episode, which feels like it's an uncredited adaptation of "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. LeGuin.

"Investigate with your tricorder, not with your finger" is very good advice though.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Music attribution: Space War by IdanKupferberg from Pixabay

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

2023 Okay, So Podcast