S4E33 - USS Hōkūleʻa

S3E22: Explorers; S3E23: Family Business

7 months ago

Episode Notes

Jude bucks for a promotion again (they all forgot he got one at the beginning of season 2).

Explorers: Sisko advances to "project sailboat in the garage" dad status. Oh yeah, Dax was a dad at one point. Bashir gets lovingly teased by roughly half the principal cast. What a great Bashir and O'Brien scene. Jake's career plans, and Jake's opinions of his dad. The question of maintaining lab cleanliness.

Family Business: Women earning profit? Time to go to Ferenginar and deal with Moogie. So many river names, so many runabouts blown up. Jake's matchmaking skills. Captain Dad. Ferengi are the anti-hobbits.

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

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Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

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