S1E30 - A Very Satisfying Thump

Episode(s) Discussed: S3E12 Sic Transit Vir S3E13 A Late Delivery from Avalon

In which the cast are joined by Josie for some extensive discussion of Centauri dicks. This episode is dedicated to the post office. “Sic Transit Vir” features Sheridan showing off his extremely dubious cooking skills, the introduction of new cuisine to the station staff breakfast table, and Londo facing off against his two worst enemies: customer service hell and an insect. In “A Late Delivery from Avalon” we learn that Narns get absolutely tanked on Yoohoo, Karen Garibaldi takes on the post office, Jude goes deeeeep on sword taxonomy and realizes that roman numerals are hard, and we realize that in the B5 universe the British are basically Klingons.

Josie can be found on twitter at @DragonGirlJosie and online at josie-art.com, and on the Magpies Podcast @clever_corvids and clevercorvids.net.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E29 - The Dreeeeeaaaaaam of Conquest

Episode(s) Discussed: S3E10 Severed Dreams S3E11 Ceremonies of Light and Dark

In which we learn that both Jude and Ana hate truffle oil (Zathras would like to note that truffle oil is GARBAGE). “Severed Dreams” features Karen Mollari being flagged for extra customs screening and wanting to talk to a manager, G’Kar carrying a Minbari like he carries the whole goddamned show, and our many feelings about Sheridan’s emotional range. In “Ceremonies of Light and Dark”, Marcus wonders if there’s a reason he’s still alive / when everyone who loves him has died, Garibaldi meets his ultimate nemesis New Jersey Clippy, Londo borrows a bottle of poison from a Vin Diesel movie, and we all love Delenn’s fantastic mom energy.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E28 - Arts and Crafts is my Love Language

Episode(s) Discussed: S3E8 Messages from Earth S3E9 Point of No Return

In which Justen nearly ruins our hatred of Franklin. “Messages from Earth” is the start of this season’s quadriptych (yes, we had to look that up), and is definitely not a Star Trek: Voyager plotline. In the episode, Marcus proves that he is as adept with a glue stick as he is with a fighting stick, we learn that Minbari do not sleep as we humans do, and we all wonder what happens when you put a chicken into an O’Neill cylinder. In “Point of No Return”, NightWatch gets its comeuppance in a plot that revolves around Zack’s stupidity, Majel Barrett delights Ana with more Centauri prophecy shit, and Ta’Lon reminds us that while all Bajas Blast, not all blasts are Baja.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E27 - Mark Me Down as Scared and Horny For G’Kar

Episode(s) Discussed: S3E6 Dust to Dust S3E7 Exogenesis

In which we wonder why Bester doesn’t sense “a great sense of personal danger” everywhere he goes. “Dust to Dust” features the return of Bester (all Cop and no Psi this time) for a working date with Garibaldi, while G’Kar’s busy day includes showing off his new coat, learning that Londo was the first domino, and having a vision while Kosh watches like Ceiling Cat. In “Exogenesis” Corwin is promoted and has actual scenes outside of C&C, Marcus uses the time-honored “spring-loaded can of head trauma” fighting tactic, and we all pour one out for Corwin’s coffee.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E26 - Brad Dourif Appreciation Hour

CW: LOTS OF FEELINGS, discussion of serial killers, capital punishment, graphic violence, body horror. Episode Discussed: S3E4 Passing Through Gethsemane

CW for discussion of serial killers, capital punishment, graphic violence, body horror. In which we all cry over “Passing Through Gethsemane.” This episode brings us the return of the pixel art squid ship, discussion of the Telepath Haircut and its relationship to the Wolverine Haircut, plus Lennier, Delenn, and Brother Edward pulling an all-nighter. Most of the discussion is devoted to the heavier themes of the episode, though, including mind-wipes as a utilitarian death penalty; the relationships between memory, responsibility, morality, faith, and forgiveness; the framing of the episode as a tragedy rather than a thriller; and the cinematic effectiveness of showing the results of violence rather than the violence itself.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E25 - Fascism Isn't Sexy

CW: discussion of substance addiction Episode(s) Discussed: S3E3 A Day in the Strife S3E5 Voices of Authority

CW: discussion of substance addiction

In which we establish the official show motto. “A Day in the Strife” features a very well-done addiction plotline tacked onto a character who is awful for other reasons, a menacing alien pinecone that threatens to blow up the station if the B5 staff flunks the SAT, Sheridan’s new Narn boyfriend, and the introduction of the Minbari Sacred Dremel and Ritual Belt Sander. In “Voices of Authority,” G’Kar gives Garibaldi homework (but doesn’t threaten him with death by pine cone), the First Ones get a CGI upgrade an exciting new Bionicle look, and Justen, as Professor of Himbology, rules that Zach Allen is not a himbo but Musante still shouldn’t be mean to him. Pour one out for another maintbot.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E24 - Pour One Out for Maintbot

Episode(s) Discussed: S3E1 Matter of Honor S3E2 Convictions

In which we float the back-door pilot for Jude’s new parenting podcast, “Oh No, More Poop”. “Matter of Honor” features a station guest who is clearly unprepared for Londo’s fever prophecy dreams, Sheridan’s patented YOLO maneuver, and Londo and Morden negotiating joint custody of the galaxy in their divorce, plus the introductions of a new medlab set, a himbo, a U-wing tier ship, and the War Council Brunch Table. In “Convictions,” the Unabomber comes to the station, we marvel at Brother Theo’s majestic beard, and Lennier’s conversation in customs leaves us pondering why we miss the familiarity of public transit but not the actual experience.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E23 - In the Arms of the Vorlon

Episode(s) Discussed: S2E22 The Fall of Night and Season 2 Wrapup

In the arms of the Vorlon

flying through B5

a Centauri tried to explode you

so you jumped to perhaps stay alive

Delenn told Kosh to save you

the crowd saw him take flight

Now you're in the arms of the vorlon

May you find some answers here

“The Fall of Night” brings us Ana screaming about gravity, Justen speculating about similarities between Vorlons and Asari, and also... *fire bad*. In the season wrapup, the cast discuss the high and low points of the season, and answer burning questions including “how would you prepare your spoo?” and “who on B5 would make the best blind date?” (it’s G’Kar).

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E22 - Desperate Times and Desperate Measures

Episode(s) Discussed: S2E20 The Long Twilight Struggle S2E21 Comes the Inquisitor

In which Justen blows Ana’s and Jude’s minds. “The Long Twilight Struggle” features both quantum states of Londo’s morality, prompts a discussion of Bruce Boxleitner’s attractiveness in 1995, and provides us with a show moral: don’t play D&D with a Vorlon. In “Comes the Inquisitor,” Jack the Ripper fails upward to Vorlon middle management, G’Kar takes his Cassandra act to the streets (err, halls?) of the station, and we learn that while Justen is a murder fan this does not extend to serial killers.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S1E21 - Harold, They’re Lesbians

Episode(s) Discussed: S2E19 Divided Loyalties

In which the Babpod Crew is joined by Adira Slattery, who can be found on twitter @AdiraSlattery. “Divided Loyalties” brings us lots of gay shit including discussions of queerbaiting and the narrative parallels between queerness and telepathy, Susan and Talia in wonderful matching silk nightwear, and Ana being wrong about Lord of the Rings.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

"The Voice" of the Babylon Podject is provided by Alyson Grauer, who can be found at @dreamstobecome

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Warner Bros, Inc. and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

The Descent by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descent
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

2023 Okay, So Podcast