S4E13 - A Wave of the Science Box

S2E09: Second Sight; S2E10: Sanctuary

Episode Notes

Second Sight: Everyone is so supportive of Sisko getting back out there. They want Captain Dad to be happy. The fact that the anniversary of Wolf 359 goes by without notice tells you when this show was. Nog Sex Ed again. The sub-genre of one-episode Trek romances.

Sanctuary: Kira's no-good-very-bad-day. We're not big fans of this episode or the portrayal of the aliens. The plan is really not good but that doesn't stop everyone from blaming Kira and Bajor for some reason. We use video game logic to give a better explanation. Paramount, hire Justen to write some novels. Quark is right.

O'Brien Suffers Level: Dreaming of an empty ticket queue.

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E12 - A Night of Wild Unbridled Passion

S2E7: Rules of Acquisition; S2E8: Necessary Evil

Episode Notes

Jude can't do IKEA. Or social situations.

Rules of Acquisition: Out of all the Starfleet captains, Sisko gets Ferengi. THIS is how The Dominion is introduced? This is accidentally a screwball comedy. The Ferengi work better in this show because they get to breathe. And they're all bottoms.

Necessary Evil: A plasma storm is a metaphor for a station and its inhabitants. We're doing NOIR. Odo/Quark/Kira backstory! Bajoran fashion. Gul Dukat never stops vamping. Rom Skills!

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E11 - MAGA Klingons

S2E04: Invasive Procedures; S2E05: Cardassians

Episode Notes

Invasive Procedures: The senior staff--and Quark. The lived experiences of Trill washouts. Jude has questions about Trill, and so do the rest of us. Bashir shows some skills. B5 crossover via stunt doubling! What makes Sisko great?

Cardassians: Secret Agent Garak! Dukat and Garak have a... history. Sisko always looks good. Jude breaks the plot accidentally. Dukat never has an ounce of doubt. Keiko's continual lack of cross-cultural sensitivity. O'Brien never does what you expect a stock character to do. This episode really makes it clear how different DS9 is from all other Trek.

O'Brien Suffers Level: PTSD

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E10 - How's your Business Dick

S2E01: The Homecoming; S2E02: The Circle; S2E03: The Siege

Episode Notes

Yes, it's a three-parter, but all three are GREAT. Welcome to season 2 of DS9.

The Homecoming: Call your factions one thing and just roll with it. Every character choice for O'Brien is "working class hero". Gul Dukat's statement is basically "we're sorry we got caught." Wait, is this a B5 episode?

The Circle: Kira's hunka hunka monk. The Bajoran monasteries must constantly be ordering 55 gallon tubs of baja blast lube. "Here is our traditional garb, the banana hammock". Odo deputizes Quark? Nothing says Bajoran independence like Cardassian torture.

The Siege: Nasty fascist republican sex. Benjamin "Not on my watch, motherfuckers" Sisko isn't having the Federation's limp-dick hands-off approach. Nog and Jake are best boys. Trill are psychic-type and thus weak to bug type. Julian is dramatic. Jadzia gets even more depth. Odo and Quark are the two most married characters in Star Trek.

O'Brien Suffers level: Ride or die for Kira.

rejected titles for this episode:

  • Their monks can fuck
  • The ceremonial banana hammock
  • Sure he's a sex pest but he's honest about it
  • Nasty Fascist Republican Sex
  • Hunka Hunka Monk
  • No one touches Sisko's Balls

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E9 - More Hated than Vince McMahon

S1E19 Duet; S1E20 In the Hands of the Prophets

Episode Notes

CW: Discussion of actual not-amusing war crimes, and religious extremism.

Jude gets a promotion!

Duet: People with the appelation "The Butcher of..." are always delightful people. This episode is packed with powerful performances, and the actors are up to the task of lifting this very heavy material. Bajor gets a lot of complexity that other species do not.

In the Hands of the Prophets: Space Karen is back! Bajoran/Federation relations take a hit over education, but to be fair it's hard to teach about religious practices when the deities do in fact appear to exist. Jude twigged to Neela's nature immediately because O'Brien isn't supposed to be a sex symbol. Sisko Dad Mode on religions is an important and well written/acted one. O'Brien Suffers level: Religious War

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E8 - Sacred Bong of Rix

S1E17 The Forsaken; S1E18 Dramatis Personae

Episode Notes

Jude bucks for a promotion. Justen is sleepy.

The Forsaken: Wait, what is that music? It's... it can't be. It's Lwaxana Troi! The most DTF character in Star Trek. The Lwaxana/Odo pairing is spectacular. "The thin beige line between order and chaos" nearly killed Jude. Sisko is in dad mode all day. Has Odo ever had "the talk"? Lots of great one-liners this episode.
O'Brien Suffers Level: a new puppy.

Dramatis Personae: Alien fuckery! A new clock for Sisko! Nothing else in this episode matters in the least bit. At least the actors had fun. O'Brien Suffers Level: the audience suffers worse.

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E7 - Tonal Inconsistency

S1E13: The Storyteller; S1E14: Progress; S1E15: If Wishes Were Horses

Episode Notes

The Storyteller: Get in the minivan, Bashir! Horny teens should not be in charge of negotiations. O No My Bukkit. DS9 learned important lessons from TNG in terms of how to treat teenage characters--specifically, let them be cringe and celebrate it. Ferengi kinks. Justen strays into blasphemy. O'Brien Suffers Level: Dal'Rok

Progress: Let's talk about eminent domain. What the hell do self-sealing stem bolts do? Invisible seaming techniques. The long-term payoffs of this episode should have been better than they were. Jake gets a lesson in profit. Kira gets a little radicalized.

If Wishes Were Horses: Turns out that O'Brien CAN tell a good story. Bashir's fantasy is hella problematic, because we all know he's a bottom. Random space phenomenon that appears once and never returns, yaaaay. O'Brien Suffers Level: Rumplestiltskin?

Also: Baseball.

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S4E6 - Morn should keep his big mouth shut

S1E12: Vortex; S1E13: Battle Lines

Episode Notes

Vortex: A... changeling? Odo--authoritarian, utilitarian, or just childfree? Good old ass-forehead trek aliens. Klingon shift! Jude trips over the plot from season 4-7.

Battle Lines: Kira's "secret" Cardassian file. Artificial purgatories are kinda shitty. The procedural plot is REAL BAD, the plot-plot is kinda hard to watch. Killing off the space-pope after two appearances?

O'Brien Suffers level: Ochre Runabout destruction count: 1

BabSpace9 is a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Original reworking of the Deep Space 9 theme by audioquinn, who stresses that this particular war crime is not their fault.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

DIE wrap-up with Kieron Gillen

It was all for you.

DIE Wrap-up with Kieron Gillen

Kieron Gillen first came to attention as a comic creator with his 2006’s Phonogram, with Jamie McKelvie. Jamie and he formed into a gestalt monster that rampaged against the next fifteen years of comics, culminating with critical and smash hit the Wicked + the Divine.

When not with Jamie, he has co-created books such as DIE, The Ludocrats, Once & Future, Three, Uber and more. When not making his own worlds, he has worked on Marvel Comics biggest books, such as Uncanny X-men, Young Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Star Wars, Eternals and Darth Vader, (where he co-created Doctor Aphra).

In a previous life he was an award winning pop-culture critic and journalist, and co-founder of Rock Paper Shotgun.

The best way to keep up to date with what he’s doing is his newsletter. He hates writing about himself in the third person, yet somehow he perseveres.

BabPod:DIE was a production of the Okay, So network.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by Paramount Entertainment and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music attribution:

Music: The Horror Maschine 1 by Sascha Ende Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/43-the-horror-maschine-1 Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

S3E10 - The Secret Third Thing

Issue 19: Boss Fight; Issue 20: Open Table

Episode Notes

Boss Fight: The group opens up. Also the characters open up. The context of people's lived experiences informs the media they make. Justen and Ana force Jude onto a soapbox.

Open Table: Explain the fucking backstory. Chuck's heroic sacrifice is almost enough. The merits of a good ending. It's clear that Kieron Gillen knows modern games.

BabPod: DIE is a production of the Okay, So network. Connect with the show at @babylonpodject Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon! Justen can be found at @justenwrites Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art. Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast. Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings. Music: The Horror Maschine 1 by Sascha Ende Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/43-the-horror-maschine-1 Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Find out more at http://babylonpod.page

2023 Okay, So Podcast