S2E31 - The Mattress King of Kenosha WI

S3E18: Allegiance, S3E19: Most Likely To...

S3E18: Allegiance
S3E19: Most Likely To...

Alternate episode names: Grosse Pointe Root/Bear is Fred, Right?

Justen can't remember where Ohio is. Zathras aggressively edited the bullshittery but you might want to skip to 5:48 to avoid 3 minutes of old people complaining about colds.

Allegiance: Who needs fancy tracking devices when you could just use Bear. Numbers of the Week are now almost exclusively metaplot related. It's so fun to watch root work. Four people and a dog--wait, that's a different show. Why, WHY is the French Foreign Legion in this. Shaw pulls an Indy. Go to Fusco, not Yelp, for street food recs.

Most Likely To: High School Reunion Episode! The Mattress King of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Vigilance is all over the plot. Reese's only role is to get slapped, repeatedly. And hang out with Shaggy. All high school reunions have firefights, right? The ISA has a packing seminar or VHS tape at least. Vigilance is like if Anonymous read way too much Ayn Rand.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

Okay, So Network Holiday Party

We were bored and decided to get together to talk about what we'd done this year but had not yet made content about. Some content snuck in. Sorry. You should feel no obligation to listen to this whatsoever.

We were bored and decided to get together to talk about what we'd done this year but had not yet made content about. Some content snuck in. Sorry. You should feel no obligation to listen to this whatsoever.


Connect with the show at @babylonpodject and at @atuin_pod, or if Twitter is dead by now, @[email protected] on Mastodon.

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

End music was originally by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/ until Aaron made a mess of it.

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii and @[email protected] on Mastodon

S2E30 - Dollar Tree Moriarty

S3E15: Last Call S3E16: RAM S3E17: Root Path

Jude is sleepy, Ana is a vindictive mathematical hitwoman, and Justen keeps an even keel.

Last Call: Expanding on the word "no". What this episode fails to do is what PoI normally does well--taking a trope and genre-shifting it. Someone knowing how electricity works should not be the highlight of an episode. There's so much they could have done with this episode but nothing works and everyone's characterization feels off.

RAM: Alpha version of John! Kara's back--in a flashback. As is John. And Decima. And Shaw... No Fusco though. In a choice between impromptu dental work and death, we choose death. Decima has ALLLLWAYS BEEN HERE *waggles fingers*. Rick is not quite horrible enough to be convincing.

Root Path: root's POV tells us it's a Very Special root Episode. Cyborg root! This episode is really the pivot point--we know we've said this before, but this one is it. Really. Also very good root/Shaw flirts. Shaw does a Die Hard.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E29 - Concerned Frequent Flyer

S3E13: 4C S3E14: Provenance

In which Jude is tortured by the memory of Elmo.

4C: Holly, the flight attendant, carries this episode on her shoulders. The offer to bribe John in bitcoin is perfection. John can't ignore the fact that half of First Class is unconscious. The Machine knows that the ISA might be the cause of the Number, and thus cannot hand him over. Really, a flight attendant f*** buddy makes a lot of sense for John's complicated work schedule. John has operative macros.

Provenance: We have notes about overused tropes with Interpol agents. Jude confesses to enjoying The OC. We have a very long discussion of guest actor Gene Farber. Justen has a selfie with the other guest actor, Christopher Neal Jackson. The peak homoerotic trope of tying another man's bow tie. Actually, Jude tells us a lot of things that embarrass him.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E28 - This episode is 80 smoots too long

S3E11: Lethe S3E12: Alethia

Show notes not written by a GPT3. For some reason the crew decides to discuss their future plans for thanksgiving during an episode scheduled to air THREE WEEKS LATER.

Lethe: John is off drinkin' and fightin' and not gettin' therapy in this episode, so Shaw handles the number. VIGILANCE is looking for something in the cancer patient's memory. Samaritan??!? Saul Rubinek carries this episode on his shoulders. Jude slanders the good name of Warehouse 13. Last time we saw Control she was played by a hand model. Fusco is the sterling example of how this project actually had positive outcomes. Law and Order has gone on WAY too long.

Alethia: Fusco might be the best character, or at least the most likeable. Fusco/Shaw unlikely animal pairings. We actually think John's grief arc is good, if not fully healthy at the beginning. The Control/root conflict is a clash of true believers, in a fascinating way. "Shaw is a hammer and John is a scalpel" is proof that Finch is romantically entangled with John.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E27 - If you give a mouse a glock...



The Crossing: We discuss the big casting change. It's not fridging but it smells freezer-burned. The utterly pointless kiss that turns this from drama into our trauma. Carter is the linchpin keeping PoI as a procedural.

The Devil's Share: Fusco is so good. The value of a well-executed trope (see also: rampage!!! and Hurt performed by Johnny Cash). Does survivor's guilt go away if everything was your fault? Shaw. Just Shaw. We love Shaw. And Root!Shaw. Elias is a messy, messy bitch.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E26 - A Totally Legal Firing Squad

S3E7:The Perfect Mark S3E8:Endgame

David Zaslav is our eternal enemy, and piracy in the service of the preservation of media is an unequivocal good. Justen goes on a VERY long Gundam tangent.

The Perfect Mark: Jude and Justen disagree on whether the main plot is good or just chaotically enjoyable. A friendship is put to the test over Dune. The Inverse Ninja law is invoked. HR should have had a Yakkity Sax leitmotif in this episode.

Endgame: 38 NUMBERS?! Carter's fully absorbed John's tactics at this point, even getting John's music. Messing with food to express dominance. Carter and Finch have the same red-string board? Harold definitely has shopped for tweed vests for Bear.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E25 - The Answer is Grace Jones

S3E5: Razgovor S3E6: Mors Praematura

Razgovor: This was from the brief time when it was ok to like Russians. Bath salts, how topical. This is a thrill ride of an episode, and a lot of Shaw and the rest of the team growing closer. Justen has opinions about nickel-plated 1911s. Jude shows a little bit of backstory.

Mors Praematura: It's actually really not good to get knocked out this much. Finch made a Faraday cage in the Library, and we're really not that surprised. Shaw's apartment is the pinned post on r/malelivingspaces. We try to be openminded about Vigilance. Finch can probably crack PGP encryption in his sleep. And then we talk about Tom Clancy-related media for, frankly, WAY too long, but Zathras fell asleep while editing.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E24 - Really? Him?!

S3E3: Ladykiller S3E4: Reasonable Doubt

Ladykiller: Even the show doesn't like this week's number, but that doesn't stop us liking how actually realistic his reactions are to the absurd situation he's in. Plus, any episode that has Carter, Shaw, and Zoe working together is an automatic A+. Amy Acker Fan Hour Time!

Reasonable Doubt: This "murderous spouses" plot is better than last season's only because there's the hope they ended up just offing each other. Bear deserves an Emmy. Chardonnay is a skeleton key to white womens' social circles.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

S2E23 - Ariana Grande was right

S3E1: Liberty S3E2: Nothing to Hide

Liberty: GUI changes. The gang takes down numbers like it's their job. Carter's got Elias stashed in her basement. The Machine is acting beyond just dumping numbers now. We get the start of the best odd-couple pairing for the rest of the series. Falafel stands replacing inconspicuous park benches for secret meetups. 3.5 star secret.

Nothing to Hide: Aaron Burr? Revolutionary War imagery? A new secondary plotline that has Anonymous vibes, neat. A worse number than the bad hitman. The Palo Alto PD has a very narrow range, apparently. Ana makes another prediction. Justen yells about elevators.

Connect with the show at @babylonpodject

Help us keep the lights on via our Patreon!

Justen can be found at @justenwrites

Ana can be found at @The_Mianaai, and also made our show art.

Both Ana and Justen can also be found on The Compleat Discography, a Discworld re-read podcast.

Jude Vais can be found at @eremiticjude. His other work can be found at Athrabeth - a Tolkien Podcast and at Garbage of the Five Rings.

Clips from the original show remain copyrighted by their original rightsholders, and are used under the Fair Use doctrine.

Music is by Arne Parrott, who can be found at http://atptunes.com/

This show is edited and produced by Aaron Olson, who can be found at @urizenxvii

2023 Okay, So Podcast